We are recruiting for 12-fully funded PhD students for The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Diversity in Data Visualization, starting October 2025.
Science, industry and society need people with advanced data visualization capabilities. Studying for a PhD with DIVERSE CDT is an opportunity to undertake world-leading doctoral research and join a cohort of future leaders in data visualization.
Support you will receive includes a tax-free stipend of £23,158 each year, a high-end laptop for the duration of your studies, £3000 of funds to support research activity, use of our labs and facilities and paid trips to international research labs and conferences.
We welcome applications from all. We especially welcome people whose perspectives and experiences are currently under-represented in data visualization. This includes those who identify as one or more of the following: those who are female, from Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds or low-income backgrounds.
Data visualization is stronger if people from diverse backgrounds and disciplines and with a wide range of interests are involved in developing the field. Whether or not you ‘fit’ existing expectations of who a data visualization expert is you can bring new knowledge, perspectives, priorities, causes and ideas to the field, to apply and inform data visualization.
Apply Here or contact Nicola at info@diverse-cdt.ac.uk with any questions not covered in our FAQ.

Nicola Kirkby
DIVERSE-CDT Centre Manager